
Monday, February 21, 2022

Is No One Going To Say It?

Most nations on earth are in Instagram (IG), and it doesn't matter what color, status, class, background, age or gender.

IG has this feature where users can use filters to alter what they look like. Yes, this is the same girl above but what she actually looks like.

If we look at a few IG filters, such as the Make up vs. No Make up, the Internet vs. Reality or the Filter vs. Reality, we will notice IG users drooling over their "doctored" images and ashamed or upset over what they actually look like.

Not Surprising

But this is not what is bad about this phenomenon and our need to go viral culture.

What is both sad and mad is that social media has been added to our list of influences regarding what is considered as the norm or the standard for what is beautiful or desirable. Actually social media is the biggest influence.


The filtered or doctored images changes dark skin tone to light, wide, thick, flat noses to thinner, higher, thick eyebrows to thinner and it changes the shape and the color of their eyes, length of eyelashes and other special "make over" effects.

Cultures all over the world look at light skin, high nose, light color eyes, almond shaped eyes and anything they don't have as beautiful -- deciding their standard of beauty for them. 

Filter  vs  Reality

And this new culture starts them off young, kids now look at themselves as not attractive if they don't fall into this social media standard of beauty.

And it doesn't matter from what country, the "standard" of beauty is the same for everyone, however impractical or unattainable it is.

With everything else everyone is going through, adding this biased thinking and stereotype of beauty will add more issues into most people's already full plates of things they have to deal with.

IG, Tik tok, Reels, Shorts whatever we may call it, everything online and social media is promoting a bias and everyone is biased, even without admitting to it.

We don't need to, the demeanor and the facial expressions speak volumes.

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