
Friday, June 4, 2021

Man Beats Up A Lady And Onlookers Had No Urgency

Yes as we saw, at least a few bystanders walked over and tried to "help".

This man casually walked up to a lady pumping fuel to her car and then proceeded to mess her up -- unprovoked as far as we know.

Now people in this area will be profiling unknown guys walking towards them -- taking evasive action or a self defense stance mainly for safety reasons.

But then people will cry racism or discrimination. This saga will continue and we do hope people who know this guy would call the police so this guys can be arrested.

We shouldn't be afraid to do normal everyday things like a stop at the gas station. 

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Generalizing That All Non-White People Wants To Be White

"You're Never Going To Be White"

Anyone who wants to find out what is wrong with America only needs to watch this.

"You know that right?"

The peace officer should be given a commendation for showing restraint, respect and professionalism.

While a considerable portion of the American people have been calling for the abolition of the police because (we have to admit that) cetain members of the police are rotten, here is one reason to keep them.

As we saw here was one officer who was doing his duty and did it calm and collected under the barrage of verbal attacks and racial abuse and harassment.

And lady, here's a lesson for you, not all Hispanic looking individuals are Mexicans.

She's A Teacher

Hopefully she didn't teach any of her ideologies to her former students.

And no lady, not all non-White people wants to be White.

Pretty sure that now some Whites wish you weren't White.

Gives me reason to pause and remember that Hispanic lady who also got caught on video in a racist rant in a Torrance California park. She had a Hispanic surname and looks Hispanic but in her mind maybe she think she's White and worse that she own this land and wants Asians to go to the (bleep)ing Asian countries they came from. Well, we can all tell her to pack her bags and do the same.


So to go with the way this "teacher" thinks, we should also generalize and stereoype her as well (do unto her what she wants to do unto others).

You give 'being White' a bad name (what a way to represent boomers, ladies and educators). 

And Karen if you are going to give an excuse in order to avoid getting a traffic ticket, a bad lie will not work and a racist rant against the peace officer who pulled you over is the worse thing to do. And lastly, calling all police officers murderers are not going to get you brownie points.

I can just see her excuse coming up shortly would be, she didn't take her meds that morning, that her sugar levels were either too low or too high, she was having an episode, she has a mental illness, she is scared of police or all of the above.

And no, no era racista ni estúpida.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Here We Go Again

In America, whenever the topic of racism (against people of color) comes up, people of color have always said something like if you ain't of the right color then please refrain from commenting because you wouldn't know anything about what you're talking about. And pardon the saying, because frankly you don"t know jack. Yes, ask yourself, how would you?

Okay, okay, granted we know that the media, politicians and celebrities exaggerate, create a narrative or push an agenda. And there will always be people still gullible enough to think that those people are their friends. No they are not, money or power, that's their friends. 

It's Not Always About Race

So it's not always about race. But in America, more than half of the time IT IS ABOUT RACE or ethnicity or color. And the other times it is about sex, age, religion, status or disability.

Do not be naive, we all are biased about something or everything. It's human nature. There will always be some things that you prefer over another (whether you will admit to it or not is another matter).


And do not worry, in America and all other predominantly White societies, the bias is always against the non-Whites. In other cultures, say in China, then it is the billion Chinese people who are biased against the non Chinese. In India it is the billion Indian people against the non Indians.

Same in Japan, in the Arab world, in Israel, or anywhere else the dominant color or creed or ethnicity will lord it over those in smaller numbers. It's just how it is.

If you aren't in the minority, yes please sit down because you wouldn"t know anything.


Don't pull up your favorite go to "I was friends with Blacks back in school" card. Or your "My father-in-law is Native American or my daughter-in-law is Korean, El Salvadorean, Hawaiian" or whatever color they may be card. And please no "I grew up in a colored community and walked with them to school" card.

Come on, if you aren't those colors you wouldn't know how it is to walk in their shoes. In fact, none of you White people will trade places with a common normal looking Brown, Black or Asian person.

Would you trade places with any of these?

Okay maybe unless if it's a really rich, good looking and famous Black, Brown or Asian person. And still even if you could, you still will think long and hard to do so.

And please will any White male want to switch places with an Asian guy? 

Any one against Asians?  What do you think? 

Sunday, January 31, 2021

UC Riverside Professor: Heterosexuality Is 'Tragic'

Heterosexuality Is 'Tragic' according to University of California-Riverside Gender and Sexuality Studies Professor Jane Ward.

Ward is author of the book 'The Tragedy of Heterosexuality'. 

The UCR professor was featured in an Insider article titled, “Why heterosexual relationships are so bad for us, according to a sex researcher” and this is where she was quoted to have said that heterosexuality is "tragic." 

Also read article from Campus Reform.


So in case we may be confused with what she meant, let us define what is heterosexuality.

Heterosexuality is the romantic attraction, sexual attraction or sexual behavior between persons of the opposite sex or gender.

So this norm (of our biased society) since as far back as we and our forefathers can remember is now (as Meriam Webster defines the word tragic) regrettably unplesant.


Other words for tragic are deplorable, lamentable, grievous, heartbreaking, regrettable unfortunate, woeful.

I see. And this is what our teachers are teaching us in school. If we are older, then this is what our school system is teaching our children and grandchildren.

Professor Ward has a lot to say about gender and sexuality and she'd written several other books about it.

She was quoted as saying: “It’s that straight culture is based in a presumption that men and women are really different kinds of people, that they want different things, that they have different interests, and that they are sort of opposite”.

So at least she said something that many will agree with.


I understand that the feminist movement has fought hard for a very long time for gender equality, and in recent times society has tasted the fruits of their efforts -- some of them sweet, but others were sour.

When people born with a <bleep> --female reproductive organ will share a dorm room, bathroom, restroom, changing room and massage room with people born with a different reproductive organ and when the dividing gender lines between who can compete in individual and team sports and programs are permanently taken away, then let us come back to this discussion and see what would be more tragic.

A world without those long drawn dividing lines will spell the death of sport scholarships for people born with female reproductive organs and female sports in general.

Men and women are really different kinds of people, they are built differently,  they want different things, they have different interests and they have different strengths and weaknesses.