
Sunday, June 7, 2020

Time to Revisit the Killing of Tony Timpa, 2016

The Killing of Tony Timpa

Almost four years ago there was this incident involving a knee to the back of Tony Timpa which was eerily similar to what was done to George Floyd.

Not surprisingly, the charges filed against the officers involved in this case were dropped.

Police Brutality

The other not so surprising fact about this case is that the official story given by the police officers was not at all collaborated by the body cam video of the events that took place. Yes, this was already during the days of  police body cams.

Mind you, the said footage was only released over three years after the incident. It was a minor miracle it was released at all.

Maybe it is time for people to talk about this case of police brutality now and for the news media to take a look at this injustice.

What We Know

On August 10, 2016, Tony Timpa called 911 asking for help. When Dallas Police arrived at the scene, they found Mr. Timpa was being held by the security of a local business and had placed him in handcuffs.

The video of what happened next was hard to watch and showed that officers pressed Tony to the ground for 13 long minutes with a knee to the back, while he was pleading for his life, and the officers mocking and making fun of him.

The officers involved were Sgt. Mansell and Officers Vasquez and Dillard.

Criminal charges for all three officers were dropped in March of 2019 and they have since returned to active duty.

What We Don't Know

The Dallas Morning News ran a series of news articles about this shocking incident which was eventually picked up but given minimal exposure by other news agencies. Incidentally this also happened during an election year, the last presidential elections to be exact.

Was it some sort of deja vu or a weird coincidence? Question is, where was the outrage then?

And where was the outrage after the video footage was released? Where was the outrage after the charges were dropped?

And more importantly, why isn't there anyone talking about this incident at this time?

Are news agencies colorblind to the crimes being done by Whites on Whites or even Blacks on Blacks?

Dallas News Articles:

Deadly conduct charges dismissed against Dallas cops in 2016 death of Tony Timpa, who sought 911 help

'You're gonna kill me!': Dallas police body cam footage reveals the final minutes of Tony Timpa's life

Police responded to his 911 call for help. He died. What happened to Tony Timpa?


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