
Sunday, June 28, 2020

Issues of Race

Neverending Story

The issue about race has been ongoing for generations but so far people from each of the different races have never really seen eye to eye on them or even want to acknowledge that its something they need to come together and talk about.


It is particularly true in the so called "United" States of America which is a funny name as it has never really been united. Superficially yes or when beneficial for all, but beneath the different skin colors, creed, age group and statuses of its diverse citizens, there has never been unity even with its flag and anthem.

Heck, people of the same race, or even those from the same family cannot agree with each other, how much more people of different races?


The latest survey of these United States shows that:

  • Whites comprise 60% of the entire population
  • Hispanics 18%
  • Blacks 13%
  • Asians 6%
  • Native Americans/Pacific Islanders 2%
  • And those with two or more races 2%.

Now depending on which state or city, then these percentages will deviate from this overall demographic, and no two cities, two counties, or two states would have exactly the same demographics and racial issues.


If we want to get a visual of these numbers then say out of the 50 states, 30 are White, 9 are Hispanic, 6 are Black, 3 are Asian, 1 Native American, and 1 represents the others.

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These will be generalizations but we are talking about the numbers in general anyway.

So in general and in truth, Whites continue to dominate in numbers and in almost every aspect of American life in every single State.


Hispanics form the biggest minority group. Although surveys do not really show their actual numbers, as they have the highest number of undocumented immigrants that would normally not be included in the "official" count.

African Americans, significantly smaller in numbers compared to Hispanics are the second largest minority group. But they are the most vocal in their call for racial equality.

Asians are a far third in the minority list in terms of their numbers. They are the "invisible" minority group and the one group "safely" and conveniently picked on by Hollywood.

Native Americans, Alaskan Native Americans, Hawaiian, Samoans and other Pacific Islanders are just a blip in the radar, except for the tiny places where they are concentrated in.


In terms of creed, Jews, Persians and Arabs also form a small minority and like Native Americans might have limited significance or influence in the places they are located in bigger numbers.


Whites are the majority and have always been on the top of the food chain since they took ownership of this vast expanse of land. They are like monarchs. And some do act and willed power as such, even up to now.

Hispanics who originally were from beyond the current Southern borders of the union have mostly worked in the industries that no one else wants to work in. They would be "invisible" and insignificant unless for their numbers and the language they speak or do not speak for that matter.

African Americans, as we have already said, are the most active and aggressive in terms of demanding racial equality. Not really hard to see why, after generations of their forefathers being enslaved by White people who some of whom still act like they still own non-Whites and feel like they would be nothing if not for what they have done in this land.

Asians, the one they labeled the model minority. Mostly keeping to themselves, subservient and non-confrontational. Because of this, they are mostly the whipping boys or the butt of jokes and the targets of bullies and so-called racist people of any race.

Native Americans, are probably the lowest ones on the totem pole, both in numbers and significance. The irony being it is their people who carved those poles. And that they were the ones who were living here, before the Whites and the Hispanics moved in, and before the Blacks were shipped in and the Asians shipped themselves in. And like these other minorities, got screwed over.

Painful Past

Each of the different minority groups, even White on White have also been screwed over in different degrees and in different periods of time. The crazy thing about it, minorities also have treated and continue to treat other minorities just as bad as they have been treated.

The more dominant race have culturally misappropriated the other races they feel are beneath them and they call others racists when in fact all of them are.

Can't We All Get Along?

There is a saying, united we stand and divided we fall.

In the USA, it is reversed and there has been in a free fall for generations. Each race blaming another. But hardly looking at themselves or the people within their own.

Will there ever be round table discussions where Americans of different colors and backgrounds be coming together to be honest about themselves and to talk to come up with solutions to their issues?

Your guess is as good as mine. 


And yes, with each one being biased, having their own agenda, wanting to maintain the status quo or just trying to save face, a solution will not come in our lifetime, maybe even never.

White, Black, Brown, Yellow, Red, and the other Colors of the Rainbow are distinct and will always be.

Each have gone through their own painful past and undergoing their own trials. And unless Americans acknowledge this and see each other as all Americans but of different races with the distinct things they have went through, their pains, their mistakes and their hopes and dreams, then all of them getting along will be superficial and will not last long.


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