
Wednesday, March 30, 2022

The Most Hollywoodest Moment Ever

Okay This Should Be The Final Word On This Neverending Saga

Award Shows ratings have been recording record lows every year.

At the Oscars, the slap and the two F bombs were heard loud and clear, all around the world.

But the Academy, the room full of Hollywood elites, and the establishment turned a blind eye. The show went on as if nothing happened. Not a joke.

During the break, everyone went up to Will to comfort him. No one bothered to check on Chris.


Social media blew up with half of the people shocked at what just had happened or thought this was a publicity stunt, while the other half praised Will for doing the right thing, this is what a real man ought to do.

When the award for Best Actor was announced, the Academy gave the Oscar to Will and he didn't disappoint. He showed his acting prowess in a teary eyed 5 minute acceptance speech. The Academy let him go on and on without interrupting him (the longest acceptance speech on record) hoping he would say the right words. He didn't.

At the end of the charade, everyone went home, the Smiths partied like it was 1999. Jaden Smith said "that's how we do it".

LAPD came out in public saying they don't have all the details yet and as soon as they do, they will make them available. Obviously, they weren't watching the show too. 

LAPD later on did say they will not do anything because Chris said he didn't want to press charges.

Did we miss anything?

Isn't there a commission or a board of people who investigate cruelty to animals and of course safety of everyone on a film set? Nothing for comedians? 

Were the California Labor Commission watching? Isn't there a Stand Up Comics Association or something which will represent them as a group?

Damage Mode

So the news media has been on damage mode ever since --  many coming up with headlines covering the backstory, the hair loss medical condition. Other fans were chorusing this was all staged.

So were the two F bombs staged as well?

24 hours later, the Academy finally came up with a statement saying they do NOT condone violence. And that they will investigate the matter.

Really? Took their sweet time huh. 

Now right after this, Will Smith apologizes to Chris Rock on social media.

This is the world Hollywood lives in. Welcome to their world.

#WillSmith & #ChrisRock Won't GoAway

#JadaSmith and her medical condition became trending. Everyone was sympathetic to (I need to add Black because countless people are saying hairloss is more important to) a Black lady.

The remaining fans are saying a comedian or a stand up comic shouldn't make fun of a medical condition. For sure. 

Yet every year, comedians and wannabe comedians are handpicked and selected to host and present awards on all awards shows. Why? Because everyone on stage are expected to tell a joke or two, and more jokes. The show is virtually a roast along with a slap on the back. It takes the edge off the smell of fake humility in the room. 

Parallel Universe

There were so many other ways Will and even Chris might have handled this unfortunate incident, but it is what it is. We the poor and unknown are seeing how the rich and famous live their lives, their hidden lives. And how the media makes their money, milking moments like this.

Will and everyone else in the room was laughing at all the previous jokes from all the hosts, presentors and winners. And yes even at the shallow G.I. Jane joke. The whole room was lapping it up.

Defending Your Wife's Honor

Okay, Will was defending his wife's honor (and many of us can get onboard that bus, cheaper than using your car if I may add). In fact, many of us were giving him the right to do as he did. Yes, that's how it's supposed to be done. 

So before we close this saga, here are a few questions for us.

In America, is there freedom of speech (not saying freedom from consequences) or is there freedom to slap someone's face?

On national TV,  do we have the freedom to shout obscenities or do so in a threatening manner?

Can anyone of us, not rich and famous, get away with what Will Smith did?

Are we still able to stay in our workplace and wait, be given an award right after, if we did?

Hollywood is Lalaland, 99% of us don't live there.

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