
Thursday, October 22, 2020

Pope Endorses Same Sex Civil Unions

It's been all over the news what Pope Francis said in a recent interview: “Homosexual people have the right to be in a family. They are children of God,” What we have to have is a civil union law; that way they are legally covered.”


And then people scrolled down to the next "news".

Applause, Criticism and Ho Hum

Of course this announcement was seen and greeted with differing reactions and opinions, depending on who you're asking, biased by their own personal beliefs.


But regardless of where you stand, this is just one man's opinion out of 7+ billion.

Now to devout Roman Catholics who believe that whatever he says is gospel truth (as if God Himself has said it), then they won't care one way or another. They will merely accept this whether they are for it or against it. 

And besides the Catholic Church knows what's going on, more and more people are leaning towards same sex unions, they don't want to be left behind with the times.


For non Roman Catholics, the majority will be shrugging their shoulders and saying 'who cares'. They most probably do not even know who this man is.

For some of them, they would be asking what happened to the separation of church and state. What the pope is saying is that because most nations do not allow for same sex marriages, the church is advocating to allow for same sex civil unions -- which looks like the church is indeed meddling into state affairs. Groups long advocating for this will be very happy with the endorsement.

Biblical Teaching

But for followers of Christ this will be a hard pill to swallow.

If you are a follower of Christ and believe the bible then you would be torn between what this man is saying (and many of those he has already said in the past) and what you believe in or perceive to be what the bible is teaching.

Although this would either make lapsed Roman Catholics return back into the fold and make others leave the "church", like many before them.

For millions of Roman Catholics though, those who were merely born into the faith or not really practicing or believing their creed, this wouldn't really matter to them. The cares of the world are more important than their default belief system.

The verdict? Same old, same old.


Image Credit: wikimedia commons

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